Monday, December 6, 2010


5' 9" (1.75m). (what part of  "taller than me" don't these dudes get?)
All of  his OkCupid tests?
The Slut Test 74% slut
The how fuckable are you? Test " The Punching bag"
The What kind of sex freak are you Test Amature porn
The Risky and Crazy Sex Situations Test Kinky and Crazy
Test Your Sex Freak Factor Freak in a Box!
Ultimate Sex IQ Test Well-Informed
Are You Good In Bed? Quiz. The Sexmaster!
The Lover Style Profile Test The Liberated Lover  
sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
 Initial Message: 
Just saw your profile and thought I would say hi! My only question is why does a girl as gorgeous and as sexy as you need to be doing online dating?
My response:
Why do online dating? It's either a) I must be seriously crazy, like too crazy for any *real* man to want to date me or b) Or maybe really, really annoying and no one can stand to be around me... c) Or maybe I smell funny? How about d) I'm not really the girl in all these pictures, but an overweight balding middle-aged man sitting in the dark in front of his desktop waiting for his World of Warcraft raid to start. This is a funny game. But seriously: Where else do you propose I meet men to date? P.S. If that's your only question, then I fear you won't get to know me very well, since I don't really talk about myself unless asked. 
Sometimes I tickle myself with how bitchy I can be.
My list of dating pet peeves continues to grow. Added tonight: 
- Posting pictures of yourself with other women. As if this signifies that you are a true pimp and can't seem to get the ladies off of your dong for long enough to take a decent photo of yourself.
- "You are too pretty or too sexy to be doing this." Awww, thanks, I guess I'll just go ahead and never use the internet again to find a date. I'll go over to Brothers (local frat bar) and find my Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now there and maybe get some of the herpes as an added bonus. Why would I ever THINK about posting up on OkCupid? Silly me, thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Why do men become babbling idiots with no couth or respect when their dicks get hard? His profile is very nice. He sounds like a decent dude on paper. But if there is absolutely any inkling of a chance of getting a hot girl to bone you, you think it's kosher to start acting like a leg-humping dog? UPDATE: he wrote back, completely oblivious to the fact that my message was drippppping in sarcasm, and wants to know what *I* want to know about him. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

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