Monday, December 13, 2010

Chatty Kathies

The first in a series of snippets from those users who think it's smart to IM me.

[7:01:43 pm]hollywood3192hi
[7:02:16 pm]hollywood3192:how r u
[7:03:11 pm]hollywood3192:looks like you are not a bitch just for Halloween

 this one was a mixture of messages and IMs but his user name is case_1990:

Him: so you gonna b my sugar momma (;
Me: i dunoo whut that means! :)
Him: lol alright sassypant's then how about a mutual ?
Him: oh and do you have a facebook. i dont want to find out im talkin to some old dude
me: what's a mutual?
me: and i'm not givin you my fb yet silly, you're asking me questions about stuff that i have no idea what yer talkin' about, what if you're a sex fiend or sumthing?!
him: alright im not sayin im a sex fiend. but then again what guy isnt a sex fiend
him:  how do you not know what a sugar momma is
him:alright, a sugar momma is uaslly older than the guy
him: she takes care of the guy and does what he says
him: andthe women actually spoils the man (;
him: are you from america ? lol
me: that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
him: which part the america one or the sugar momma ?

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